Feather-light electronics creates e-skin

An 'imperceptible' electronic skin that can monitor the body, or help people to communicate through touch, is now possible thanks to a new ultra-light and flexible sensor foil, say researchers.

Materials scientist Dr Martin Kaltenbrunner from theUniversity of Tokyo, and colleagues, report their findings today in the journal Nature.
"You could even put it on the inside of the mouth," says Kaltenbrunner. "You would hardly feel that it's there."
Kaltenbrunner says healthcare and monitoring systems that measure such things as temperature, moisture or pressure in the body need to be light, thin and flexible so they don't interfere with the patient.
"The advantage of this very thin material is that it doesn't disturb you when you are moving," he says.
Kaltenbrunner and colleagues have for the first time made an electronic skin from a complex integrated circuit that is just 2 micrometres thick.
"This is 1/50th the thickness of a human hair," he says.
Weighing just 3 grams per metre - 27-fold lighter than office paper - the foil can float through the air like a feather and is extraordinarily tough, say the researchers.
"You can crumple it, you can throw it down, you can tramp on it, and the surface doesn't break," says Kaltenbrunner, adding the foil can be squashed into a radius of just 5 micrometres without bending.
The researchers tested the foil and found it also works at 160°C, and in wet environments.
Putting strips of the foil on a flat piece of stretched rubber could also enable the e-skin to be used, for example, around joints.

Tactile sensor

Kaltenbrunner and colleagues made the electronic sensor foil using a lightweight plastic substrate called polyethylene naphthalate, which last year they used to make solar cells.
On top of this, they placed an array of organic transistors, covered by another plastic layer containing pressure sensors.
They then showed that the electronic skin could act as a tactile sensor on a model of the upper human jaw.
"You could have a touch interface for a person who could not communicate in any other way," says Kaltenbrunner.
He says the sensors in the top layer of the foil could be substituted for others, for example those that measure temperature or moisture.
"Everything your skin can do, can be replicated in electronic form," says Kaltenbrunner.
Alternatively, light or heat emitting diodes could be put in this layer, he adds.
Before the technology is used in the body, however, Kaltenbrunner says it can be used for consumer products, including wearable electronics, which are currently around 100 micrometres thick.
"You can imagine putting them anywhere," says Kaltenbrunner. "You can give electronic functionality to everyday objects."
The research was funded by the Japanese government and the European Research Council.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/science/

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